Anne Sarah Dijkhorst 08-03-1990

Anne Sarah, born in a city while growning up in the muddy soil of the country side, already learned about contrasts at a young age. Confronted with a lot of change the move generated, she noticed the difference between people and places. Exactly this gave her all the input to seek for the authentic and lightened her free soul. Anne Sarah traveled the world with open eyes, an ever growing awareness and of-course her beloved Canon. After finishing her study Fashion and Branding at AMFI Amsterdam, she knew she wanted more. “During my study I was always looking for a way to create concepts with awareness. Changes in the world of fashion are so needed. After 4 years of fashion I wanted more of the real world around me.”

As a daugther of an artist and a story teller, she became a visual storyteller and combined the best of both.
“I feel the desire to show the world to the world. Something that is untangible and connecting us all. A little reminder of our nature in a world that is so fast moving on high expectations and perfectionism. The most important thing in my work is authenticity. In a person, in a product, in an event. A pure state of ‘just being’, which never is the same as anyone or anything else. I believe that authenticity connects. Extreme retouching is not my thing, I don’t like a lot of make up and I do embrace imperfections. I shoot soul.” 

Anne Sarah is mainly working on long term base with her clients. She likes building a creative flow together and believes in loyalty. “It’s beautiful when you don’t need words and you understand your client in an eyeblink. Some clients are there for years, we just know what the outcome needs to be when we start. This is my way of building trust.

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Thank you.

For more information about Anne Sarah Dijkhorst and contact: click here .  All rights reserved, for use please contact.
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